WordPress Plugin: Batch Cat

发布于 — 2010 年 09 月 04 日
#Plugin #WordPress #编程


Batch Cat is intended to help users change categories of posts in bulk.

The main features are:

  1. Assign the selected categories to posts.
  2. Append the selected categories to posts.
  3. Delete the selected categories from posts.
  4. Intuitionistic operating manners which come up with people's common practice.
  5. Configurable number of posts listed in one page.
  6. Slimming but enough searching and sorting options.
  7. More in the future.


Installation & Usage

As usual, upload the folder of Batch Cat to the wordpress plugin directory, activate it then.

You can perform operations in the page which lies in Tools->Batch Cat in the admin panel.

To alter settings of this plugin, go to Settings->Batch Cat Settings.


Batch Cat is now hosted in the wordpress plugin repository:


Wish List

  1. I18N
  2. More search options
  3. More information in the post list

Change Log

2011-03-20 Sunday
  1. Solve the compatibility problem under Wordpress 3.1, thanks to wongkediri.
2010-12-12 Sunday
  1. Add the ability to append the selected categories to posts
  2. Add the ability to delete the selected categories from posts
2010-09-04 Saturday Initial release.