UltraBlog.vim is yet another Vim blogging script for Wordpress.
The biggest difference between UB and other similar scripts is that UB is an ultimate client, which stores posts locally in an SQLite database, while others just operate remotely. In this way, many things can be done easily by the advantage of local storage and many other utilities, for example, you can search for posts stored in the database with a few keywords by typing a simple command, also you can preview drafts with any of your favorite templates as soon as you want to.
For those who just needs a lightweight blog editor similar as other Vim blogging scripts, UB also comes with an Editor Mode, which doesn’t create a database and store data in it.
In addition, UB is tending to make life easier for writing posts with many kinds of lightweight markup languages, currently the following kinds are supported: Markdown, reStructuredText, LaTeX, Textile and of cause HTML.
Enjoy Vim blogging !
Here is a post written in Chinese describing the motion for which I wrote UltraBlog.vim.
- Multiple syntax support: Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, Textile.
- Editor mode and client mode.
- Data is stored in a local SQLite database in client mode.
- Full-text search with keywords highlighted.
- Full-text search by using regular expressions.
- Full-text substitutions.
- Full-text substitutions using regular expressions.
- Templates for previewing posts.
- Built-in web browser, much faster to preview items.
- Event-driven system.
- I18N.
UltraBlog.vim takes advantages from the following techs:
- Vim with python support
- SQLAlchemy v0.7 or newer
- python-markdown or python-markdown2
- pandoc
You must have these prerequisites met before using UltraBlog.vim. For more information, refer to UltraBlog_Prerequisites in the help file.
Download UltraBlog.vim from or retrieve the latest source from Github:
Install UltraBlog.vim to your plugin folder and put the following lines in your vimrc file:
Change values of the upper options to yours. Restart Vim and a database file will be created in the path you specified above.
It is important to understand some basic concepts of UltraBlog.vim.
UltraBlog.vim makes life easier while writing or updating blogs. It stores posts/pages in a local SQLite database. You can also set it to editor mode, in which UltraBlog.vim does not store data locally, just like other Vim blogging scripts.
By default, UltraBlog.vim is in client mode. You can set it to use editor mode by adding the fallowing line to the vimrc file:
Currently, UltraBlog.vim manages three items: post, page and tmpl. “tmpl” is the shorthand of “template”.
Templates are used to preview the current post/page in the browser locally. This feature is a reparation for the remote previewing, due to the limit of the API, users cannot send a post to Wordpress as draft and preview it without affecting the post status if the post has been published.
With templates, users can preview posts/pages directly in the browser in a pre-defined style. They can create as many templates as they like and customize the look with CSS and HTML, or even Javascript.
Templates should be formatted as a valid python template string, that is, use the following avaliable placeholders and escape any literal ‘%’ with another ‘%’:
- %(title)s
The title of the current post/page.- %(content)s
The content of the current post/page.- %%
A literal '%'.
There is a default template in the database, whose name is ‘default’, which can be used as an example of template.
Users can specify the default template to use with the option ub_default_template.
The syntaxes supported by UltraBlog.vim currently are:
markdown, html, rst, textile, latex.
The available statuses are:
publish, private, draft, pending.
Scopes tells UltraBlog.vim to operate on items in which place, “local” stands for items stored in the database, and “remote” stands for the blog.
Create a new item
:UBNew [item [syntax/template_name]]
Create a new item.
For the first parameter, refer to UltraBlog_Items. The default value is “post”.
If “item” is either “post” or “page”, the second parameter must be a syntax name, refer to UltraBlog_Syntaxes. The default value is “markdown”.
If “item” is “tmpl”, the second parameter should be the name of the new template.
When the cursor is focused in the metadata line of categories, press
Save a modified post
After executing this command, the current buffer is saved into database.
Send a post to blog
:UBSend [status]
Post an item.
If no parameter is given, UltraBlog.vim will send the item to blog and set it to be the value stored in the meta information area.
Refer to UltraBlog_Statuses.
List posts
:UBList [item [scope [page_size [page_no]]]]
List items.
Refer to UltraBlog_Items for the first parameter. The default value of this parameter is “post”.
The second parameter “scope” is only available when “item” is either “post” or “page”. Refer to UltraBlog_Scopes.
“page_size” and “page_no” are both for the situation when “item” is “post” and “scope” is “local”. The former stands for how many item will be listed a page. The latter stands for the page number.
For example:
This command lists the first page of local posts, by default, posts which have not been posted to blog are listed before the posted ones, and there are ub_local_pagesize posts a page.
:UBList post local 20 3
This command lists the third page of local posts, 20 posts a page. As you see, you can use this command to scroll forward or back between pages. As a matter of fact, there are two key mappings within local post list:
- CTRL+PageDown
- CTRL+PageUp
:UBList post remote 50
This command lists the latest 50 posts in the blog.
Pressing the ENTER key in a remote post list will open the post under cursor and save it to the local database if it is not in it, otherwise, the local copy will be opened instead of the remote one. This enables users to modify markdown source and update the remote post.
The remote post list doesn’t support paging.
Open a single post
:UBOpen {item} {post_id/template_name} [scope]
Open an item.
For the first parameter, refer to UltraBlog_Items.
If “item” is either “post” or “page”, the second parameter should be value of its id. If it’s “tmpl”, the name.
For “scope”, refer to UltraBlog_Scopes. The default value is “local”.
Upload a media
:UBUpload {file_path}
This command can only be executed in a post edit view, and the URL of the uploaed file will be appended in that buffer.
Preview the changes
:UBPreview [status/template name]
Preview the content of the current buffer.
If any of the UltraBlog_Statuses is given, the current buffer will be sent to the blog and then opened in the browser with a parameter “preview” appended to the URL.
If the given parameter is not a post status, a pre-defined template whose name is the same with the parameter will be used to preview the buffer locally.
If none is given, the default template is used.
You do not have to care for which syntax you use, markdown source will be translated into html automatically before a browser window is opened to display it.
The matter that whether to use the built-in web browser or the system default ones is controlled by the option ub_use_ubviewer.
Delete a post/page
:UBDel {item} {post_id/template_name} [scope]
Delete an item.
Refer to UBOpen for the usage of these options.
You can also delete items in the list by pressing the DELETE button on the target. In a local post list, if the post to be deleted has been posted to the blog, a confirmation will be prompted for you to decide whether to delete the remote copy cascadly.
Create a post/page using content of the current buffer
:UBThis [item [to_syntax [from_syntax]]]
Create a new post or page which is filled with content in the current buffer.
If no parameter is specified, the first parameter will be default to “post”; for the second and the third one, the syntax of the current buffer is used.
Content of the current buffer will be automatically converted from the from_syntax to the to_syntax.
Convert a post/page buffer between the available syntaxes
:UBConv {to_syntax} [from_syntax]
Convert the current buffer from ‘from_syntax’ to ’to_syntax’.
Refer to UltraBlog_Syntaxes.
If you only need to convert from Markdown to HTML, only python-markdown or python-markdown2 module is required. For other conversion scenarios, you must install pacdoc or use the options: ub_converter_command, ub_converter_options, ub_converter_option_from, ub_converter_option_to to specify a valid external command.
Refresh the current buffer
Full-text search
:UBFind keyword1 [keyword2 …]
Doing full-text searches for both posts and pages by keywords, all keywords will be highlighted. Page size of the search result list is controlled by option ub_search_pagesize.
:UBRegexSearch regexp1 [regexp2 …]
Doing full-text searches for both posts and pages by regular expressions, all strings that match the regular expressions will be highlighted. Page size of the search result list is controlled by ub_search_pagesize.
Full-text substitutions
Attention: Full-text substitutions will change contents of all matched posts/pages immediately when executed. You may need to backup your database file first.
:UBReplace needle replacement
Do full-text substitutions.
:UBRegexReplace regexp replacement
Do full-text substitutions using regular expressions.
In debug mode, SQL statements being executed will be displayed and so are all stack traces of exceptions raised.
Enable debugging.
Disable debugging.
Toggle debugging status.
For more detail information on tweaking UltraBlog.vim, refer to the documentation.
- Install syntax files for any light weight markup language you use to highlight the posts/pages.
- Enable Code Snippet Highlighting For UltraBlog.vim Templates
- 2014-04-20 v3.6.1 released. Changes
- 2012-04-30 v3.5.0 released. Changes
- 2012-04-29 v3.4.0 released. Changes
- 2012-04-15 v3.3.0 released. Changes
- 2012-01-05 v3.2.0 released. Changes
- 2011-11-01 v3.1.0 released. Changes
- 2011-07-24 v3.0.0 released. Changes
- 2011-06-15 v2.3.1 released. Changes
- 2011-06-10 v2.3.0 released. Changes
- 2011-05-30 v2.2.0 released. Changes
- 2011-05-28 v2.1.0 released. Changes
- 2011-05-12 v2.0.1 released. Changes
- 2011-04-14 v2.0.0 released. Changes
- 2011-04-12 v1.4.0 released. Changes
- 2011-04-09 v1.3.0 released. Changes
- 2011-04-07 v1.2.0 released. Changes
- 2011-04-05 v1.1.0 released. Changes
- 2011-04-04 v1.0.5 released. Changes
- 2011-04-02 v1.0.4 released. Changes
- 2011-04-02 v1.0.3 released. Changes
- 2011-04-02 v1.0.2 released. Changes
- 2011-04-01 v1.0.1 released. Changes
- 2011-04-01 v1.0.0 released. Changes
Posted via UltraBlog.vim.