
Kindle Lazybones: Control Kindle From Your Phone

Posted at — Jun 06, 2016
#编程 #Kindle

Kindle Lazybones

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Remote controlling utilities for Kindle.



Project Architechture

User Guide

Jailbreak Kindle

Jailbreaking Kindle allows you to access its operating system.

For how to do that, refer to Kindle 5.6.5 越狱教程:支持所有 5.6.5 固件 in chinese or 5.6.5 Jailbreak (closed-kindle) – released! in english.

Install KUAL, MRPI and USBNetwork

KUAL is an application launcher for Kindle, MRPI is a package installer plugin for KUAL and USBNetwork is a package which provides SSH service for Kindle.

For how to do that, refer to Kindle 5.6.5 越狱插件资源下载及详细安装步骤 in chinese or the following in english:

Install Python

As this project is mainly written in Python, so refer to FW 5.x ScreenSavers Hack.

Open Access to Port 8080

Lazybones communicates with remote controllers on port 8080, so add the following line to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:

-A INPUT -p TCP –dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

Install Lazybones

Put kindle/ under /opt/ and rename it to lazybones.

As Kindle uses Upstart to handle system startup jobs, run the following command to make Lazybones run automatically on OS startup:

cp /opt/lazybones/etc/upstart/lazybones.conf /etc/init/


Restart Kindle, enable WIFI and it should works.

Type ;711 in the search box in Kindle and press Enter, this shows its WIFI infomation, find the IP address (assuming that’s and visit on your smartphone.